News & Resources


Supporting resilience movements within challenging contexts in the Global South

Hosted by the Women’s Fund Asia (WFA) and organized by the Leading from the South (LFS) Consortium, the cross-regional convening on Resistance, Resilience, and Care was six years in the making. During the month of October 2023, the four LFS Consortium partners, namely the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF), FIMI-AYNI – the International Indigenous Women’s Fund (FIMI), Fondo de Mujeres del Sur (FMS), and WFA, convened alongside Fondation CHANEL representatives and more than 50 Global South women, young women, and trans and non-binary feminists, from 26 countries to reflect on activism at the frontlines of environmental and social justice movements and its impact on their lives and wellbeing.

Resistance, Resilience and Care

A Leading from the South cross-regional convening aimed at Supporting resilient movements within challenging contexts in the Global South


Rooting resources in realities: A creative conversation on feminist funding for the global South.

Leading from the South, a consortium of four women's funds, invites you to its session at the Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy Conference held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands on November 1st 2023.


LFS 1.0: Strategic Reflections and Lessons Learned

This report addresses the various processes and measures that facilitated the implementation of LFS 1.0 and the value added by this specific partnership to the feminist funding discourse. The reflection piece production was coordinated by the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Working Group.


LFS 1.0: Strategic Reflections, Executive Summary

In 2021, the four women’s funds were committed to documenting their learning and reflections from the first phase of Leading from the South (LFS 1.0). Read the Executive Summary of this report here!


LFS 1.0: End Evaluation of the Policy Framework

The end-term evaluation was conducted to gain insight into the extent to which the main goals of this policy framework and the Leading from the South women’s funds have been achieved, and if so, through what evidence this achievement be substantiated.


Announcing the Renewal of Leading from the South

Five More Years of Funding Feminist Activism and Movement-building in the Global South